
  • Worldwide proven method for separating soft and solid components
  • Desinewing from meat and poultry
  • Fish Mince from trimmings, standard fillets, collar bones, bones, etc.
  • Puree and juice production from fruits and vegetables
  • Depackaging of small packages

A variety of raw product can be refined using this method.

A squeezing belt feeds the product to a perforated drum and presses the soft components through the holes of the drum.
The solid components remain outside the drum. The ratio between yield and quality can be influenced by means of adjusting the pressure roller. BAADER guarantees highest yield and a superior quality.

The machine

  • User-friendly
  • Easy and time-saving cleaning
  • Sanitary standards recognised worldwide
  • A pressure system ensuring gentle product processing and reduced machine wear
  • Long life of the wearing parts
  • Approved for USDA, employer‘s liability insurance association (BG) and CE-certified
  • Ergonomic machine system


2295 mm
1562 mm
1640 mm
1200 Kg
Connecting power
7.5 kW

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