Membrane skinning machine

The membrane skinning machine EASY is made for optimal skinning in the butcher's trade section. Cuts of pork, veal, beef, game, poultry and horse can be skinned quickly and precisely, as well as precious meat cuts from lamb, ostrich or kangaroo.

Automatic membrane skinning in connection with an economical fragmentation of the meat cuts helps to increase the yield and offers an optimal added value, not only for the presentation for sale in a appetizing way, but also for further processing. Tooth roller cleaning by the MAJA-patented 3-roller-cleaning system (if requested tooth-roller cleaning also by compressed air - type EASY/1).


Cutting width
341 mm
Connecting power
0.55 kW
400 V / 50 Hz
621 mm
753 mm
994 mm
165 Kg

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