Combined desinewing and membrane skinning machine

The combined MAJA Defatting and Membrane Skinning Machine EVMsplit 5006 is a special machine, suitable for removing fat, sinews and membranes especially from bigger cuts of beef and veal, but also of pork and lamb. The special characteristic of the EVMsplit 5006 is its divided transport roller with two different tooth shapes.

The EVMslpit 5006 offers the following advantages:

  • Versatile application thanks to special transport roller with two types of tooth shapes for defatting – desinewing – membrane skinning.
  • Process optimization by machine-based removal of fat and tendons, in connection with the process of membrane skinning, thus time savings.
  • Increased yield by optimized removal of fat and sinews without damages to the product.
  • Well-engineered machine structure for increased throughput and reduced setup times.


Cutting width
554 mm
Connecting power
0.55 kW
400 V / 50 Hz
760 mm
946 mm
1005 mm
200 Kg

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